Instructions Before Hair Transplant: When and How to Start Preparing for Hair Transplant?

Instructions Before Hair Transplant: When and How to Start Preparing for Hair Transplant?

Your hair transplant appointment is set and it’s getting closer. That’s great news!

But like any other medical or cosmetic intervention there are a set of guidelines to follow before the procedure.

These instructions will enhance your final results and ensure that the operation goes as smoothly as possible.

In this article, we will walk you through all the steps of how to prepare for a hair transplant.

By the end of this comprehensive guide you will be fully aware of:

  1. The things to avoid 2 weeks before hair transplant.
  2. How to prepare yourself on the day of the operation.
  3. Medications you should stop using.
  4. Scalp and hair preparations.

How to Prepare for Hair Transplant?

Preparation for hair transplant normally starts 2 weeks ahead of the scheduled date. This time period is enough to prepare the body and scalp for the procedure.

Here is a breakdown of all the necessary measures and precautions before hair transplant:

Two Weeks Before Hair Transplant

A few changes in your lifestyle must be done two weeks before hair transplant in order to have a successful hair operation.

These changes might seem hard for some people to pause for a while. But your main goal should be to have a successful operation free of any risks to either your body or hair.

#1 Quit Smoking

Normally, it’s recommended to quit smoking cigarettes or hookah – including electronic ones – two weeks prior to the operation. 

For those who find it hard to completely stop smoking 2 weeks ahead, they can stop it 10 days or at least 1 week before. 

Of course, the earlier patients stop smoking before hair transplant the better for them. 

The reason we ask patients to stop smoking before hair transplant is that the nicotine in cigarettes constricts blood vessels. 

Which impedes blood circulation and causes a lack of blood supply to the scalp. 

In addition to this, smoking increases the level of carbon monoxide and hence reduces the ability to deliver oxygen to the hair grafts. Eventually, it causes the grafts to shrink and die. 

Another reason to refrain from smoking is that it increases the risk of bleeding during the operation. 

It also inhibits the wound-healing process which puts patients at risk of infection and scarring.

You must also stop smoking for two weeks after hair transplant.

#2 Refrain from Using Minoxidil

Minoxidil is a topical hair loss treatment for male pattern baldness. It stimulates hair growth by expanding blood vessels allowing better blood flow to the scalp and hair grafts. 

And since it expands blood vessels this means that during the operation it could cause excessive bleeding. 

Therefore, we recommend our patients to stop using minoxidil two weeks before hair transplant. 

You Might Also Be Interested in Reading:10 Side Effects to Expect After Hair Transplant.

A Week Before Hair Transplant

The countdown started and you have one week left for your hair transplant. During this week you have to stop using a few more things:

1. Stop Using Blood Thinners

Medications such as Aspirin and Warfarin that are used to prevent blood clotting must be avoided for a week before hair transplant.   

This will prevent any excessive bleeding during the operation. 

2. Do Not Take Any Vitamins or Supplements 

Similarly, vitamins are known for containing blood-thinning properties as well. Therefore, patients must abstain from taking vitamins a week before the operation. 

3. Cut Consumption of Alcoholic Drinks and Caffeine Stimulants

All types of alcohol and caffeine stimulants such as coffee lead to blood thinning. This increases the chance of excessive bleeding during the operation. Therefore, it must be avoided for at least a week before the operation. 

Also, alcoholic beverages and coffee interfere with the effect of anesthetics which slow down the numbing process.

5 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Alcohol Consumption Before and After Hair Transplant 

It's recommended to refrain from drinking green tea for at least a week prior to your surgery.

Arrival Day

In case you’re doing your hair transplant abroad then these are some tips to get you ready for the big day.

On your arrival day, a driver will be waiting for you at the airport to drop you off at the hotel.

Before going to the hotel, you’ll be taken to the hospital to get your blood tests done

It won’t take more than 5 minutes. 

After you’ve checked into the hotel make sure to wash your hair since you won’t be able to wash it for a couple of days. 

And it’s very important to get enough sleep the night before your hair transplant. 

The Operation Day

On the day of your operation make sure to wake up early, take a shower, and have a light non-greasy healthy breakfast. 

Don’t use any styling products on your hair such as cream, gel, or spray. Keep your scalp clean and ready for the operation 

Wear loose pants and a button-down shirt so that it’s easy to change after the operation. 

Try not to wear any tops without buttons or zippers that require to be pulled over your head.

This will eliminate the grafts from being dislocated or rubbed with the shirt. 

It’s better if you bring an old shirt as it might get stained with the antiseptic which could be hard to clean.

Remember during the graft extraction stage you’ll be lying down on your stomach for 2-3 hours. 

Therefore, we advise our patients not to wear any accessories such as earrings and necklaces that will make them uncomfortable. 


Don't forget to bring your passport with you on the operation day.

Scalp and Hair Preparation Before Hair Transplant

Preparing your scalp for hair transplant is very important and you can do this by massaging it. 

Start massaging your scalp two weeks prior to your hair transplant. Do it daily for 15-20 minutes or have someone help you with that.

Massaging the scalp enhances blood flow and improves the laxity of the skin.

Another thing to keep in mind is not shaving your hair at least 3 weeks before hair transplant.

The doctor and his team would like to see the normal thickness of the hair in your donor area. 

They also shave it in a way where the hair is not too long nor too short which helps them in removing the grafts.

Finally, make sure not to dye your hair at least 1 month before hair transplant. 

If you color your hair shortly before the operation the scalp might still be stained with the dye. And this hinders the team from clearly seeing the hair grafts. 

So, now that you know how to prepare for hair transplant are you ready for the big day?!

Leave us a comment down below if you still have any questions or contact us directly by filling out this form.

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